Thursday, November 3, 2016

Chic Black and Gold Tile Coasters


Surfing the crafty side of the internet today I came across some Copper Leaf Coasters that I loved the look of.

I also just happened to have some ceramic tile laying around, from a previous coaster project I never did do.

What I didn't have was copper leaf, or gold leaf, or any leaf really.  I've never leafed anything before.

I did have gold paint, though, and thought I'd try my own take of the Copper Leaf Coasters using gold paint instead.


Ceramic Tiles (or plain coasters to upcycle)
Low Tack tape (washi tape or painters masking tape work)
Americana Multi-surface paint (I used Black Tie and Gold)
Mod Podge Hardcoat
Cork or felt

Gold Splatter Tile Coasters 



Step 1


Tape off the edges of your tiles.  I used some Washi tape I had on my desk.

Paint your base coat on the tiles.  Americana Multi-Surface paint is an indoor/outdoor paint and works fine on ceramics.  It will take more than 1 coat to cover completely, however.

My coasters took 4 base coats to be solid.

Step 2


Once dry, mask the top of your tiles where you DO NOT want paint with tape.  I covered all but 1/3 of the tiles surface.

If you look at the image at the top you'll see gold polka dots.  That came from the washi tape I used, so if you use Washi, make sure it doesn't have any foil elemnts (unless you want to try for a foil transfer, then go ahead!).

Step 3



Using the gold paint, pretend you're in kindergarten again and splatter the gold paint all over the exposed surface.  The look is meant to be random!

My paint was too thick, so you can add water to yours if need be, or just brush random daps and dashes onto the coasters surface.

Step 4


Gently remove the masking from the top of the coaster and set aside.  Pull the tape from the sides of the coaster and discard.

Reuse the tape you set aside to cover the top edges of your coaster.  That keeps you from getting paint on the top while you paint the edges.

Step 5


Paint the edges of your tile gold.  Again this will probably take multiple coats to achieve the desired effect.

Step 6


Cover the whole shebang (top and sides) with the Mod Podge Hard Coat.

Once dry, use the glue of your choice to glue cork or felt to the bottom of the tile.

Now, it's ready to use!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WIP Wednesday #20

The past few weeks have been a series of crafting FAILS for me.  Over and over and over my projects have fallen flat!

I did learn how to make a granny square though, and I'm HOPING to use that skill to make my husband a blanket for christmas.

Meanwhile, I hope you are ALL having better luck than me in the creativity department.

What have you been working on?  Share it below!