Wednesday, August 17, 2016

WIP Wednesday #15

Happy (end of Wednesday) my friends!

Sorry this is coming so very late in the day but I'm just getting home from work, after spending the entire morning at the hospital for a surgical consult.

I still having started stitching on my Zenbroidery woman.  If her eyes were open I bet she'd be looking at me rather disdainfully.

I didn't do the washi tape/toothpick craft either, but I did do this!

Yeah, its on a different site than this one, but I'm trying to post some things at places where I might actually earn a few cents (cause this starving artist is about to have to pay out of pocket for a surgery!)

So, what have you been up to this week?

Remember, this linky is open ALL WEEK LONG, so if you start a project feel free to jump on in and add your link!

Also, pass us around!  The more eyes the better!

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